A Bolger AS-29 makes a great bass boat

In December 1999, Paul Newton and I visited his AS-29 in North Carolina. I wanted to make sure that my acoustic bass would fit on this design. Paul took these pictures of the event.




Paul's AS-29 sits quietly in the harbor.



A better view


My 1954 Hausman & I - note the pneumatic tire for ease of handling.

The open bow on the AS-29 makes it very easy to haul a bass on board. I didn't even have to climb over a bow pulpit. This is by far the best vessel to have for loading on a bass.

The wide flat surfaces of the AS-29 facilitate wheeling the bass back to the cockpit area. There are no overhead obstacles in the cockpit, so this makes a great practice area. Fasten a music stand against the mizzen mast. I recommend putting the banjo player near the open stern so that he can be easily kicked overboard in the event of obnoxious banjo-ing.




The companionway door is just right. The bass went in with room to spare, and I was able to secure it against the port side of the spacious rear berth. That arrangement still left plenty of foot room.


For more info on this boat, refer to Woodwind, the prototype AS29.

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